13 Reasons Why: What you need to know

The Netflix series 13 Reasons Why is a huge topic of conversation right now and while many people love the show, some…
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Date: 24 April 2017
13 Reasons Why: What you need to know

21 Apr, 2017

The Netflix series 13 Reasons Why is a huge topic of conversation right now and while many people love the show, some viewers will find it distressing.

The show includes graphic scenes about suicide and rape that have caused distress and suicidal feelings for some viewers.

If you need someone to talk to, or if you’re worried for someone else, please reach out for help.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, call your DHB Mental Health Crisis Team or go to your nearest Emergency Department (ED).

If there is immediate danger, call 111.

If you need to talk you can call a helpline:

Lifeline: 0800 543 354

Rape Crisis: 0800 883 300

Youthline: 0800 376 633 or free text 234

Samaritans: 0800 726 666

Depression Helpline: 0800 111 757

Suicide Prevention Helpline: 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)

If you’re not in crisis, but you think it’s time to get help, your GP is a great place to start.

For more information about the help that’s available to you, see the Get Help section of our website.

You can also call or email the Mental Health Foundation’s Resource & Information Service during business hours. They can send you resources, and let you know what supports and services are available in your area. Phone (09) 623 4812 or email info@mentalhealth.org.nz

Helpful conversations

The issues raised in the series are sadly a reality for many of our young people and they can have a devastating impact on our communities.

We need to have open, honest conversations about really challenging topics and be prepared to keep talking about them. Suicide is preventable and we need to talk about how we can support ourselves and each other.

But not all conversations about suicide are safe, and sometimes they can cause harm to vulnerable people. If we simplify the causes of suicide, present suicide as a reasonable response to difficult circumstances, explicitly discuss methods of suicide or fail to explore solutions or avenues of help, we’re not having helpful conversations.

We’ve pulled together this hub of resources to help you have challenging conversations and know what to do if you or someone you care about is experiencing suicidal thoughts or needs someone to talk to.

Useful links and resources

13 conversations you can have about 13 reasons why by MHF chief executive Shaun Robinson.

13 Reasons Why Netflix Series: How School Counselors Can Help

Tips for parents for talking with their children about 13 Reasons Why and suicide

Suicide: worried about someone?Suicide: coping with suicidal thoughtsSuicide: after a suicide attemptSelf-harmSuicide: supporting someone onlineSuicide bereavement

Common Ground – A website for parents, family, whānau and friends of young people who are going through a challenging time. 

The Lowdown – A website to help young New Zealanders recognise and understand depression or anxiety. 

Depression.org.nz – Resources, tools and support to help you find a way through depression and anxiety. 

SPARX – An online e-therapy tool provided by the University of Auckland. SPARX helps young people learn skills to deal with feeling down, depressed or stressed. 

Supporting Families in Mental Illness – Supporting Families has a network of branches throughout the country that provide information, education, support and training to the families and whānau of people experiencing mental illness. 

Good Reads:

Survivors explain what was wrong with the 13 Reasons Why suicide sceneA teenager on what 13 Reasons Why gets dangerously wrong about teen suicideSix reasons why I’m concerned about a TV seriesYoung people are exposed to that kind of stuff in their lives every damn day13 Reasons Why writer: Why we didn’t shy away from Hannah’s suicide13 Reasons Why proves that good intentions aren't enough when it comes to portraying suicide13 Reasons Why Netflix Series: Consideration for Educators13 Reasons Why we need to talk about adolescent mental healthAsk the Mediatrician: Should I let my child watch 13 Reasons Why?Can 13 Reasons Why Really Trigger Suicides?13 Reason Why talking points