In lockdown alone

We know lots of the messaging for you right now is about connecting with others outside your bubble virtually and remembering to stay in touch with the people you care about!

That’s important, and we don’t want you to forget that, but there are always ways you can turn this time you have by yourself into me time that you really enjoy, that strengthens your mental health and wellbeing.

We also know you have a lot of alone time right now, and asking you to enjoy some me time might feel like a bit much. But what we’re really encouraging you to do is re-frame the time you do have and look at it in a new way. Feeling like we have control over our lives and how we spend our time is really important for our mental health and this is a powerful thing you can do for your wellbeing. We hope you’ll give it a try.

  • Cuddle your pets
  • Tend to the garden 
  • Sing a waiata 
  • Draw a picture 
  • Try out a yoga video on YouTube 
  • Take pics of birds or other nature you notice around you 
  • Write a letter to a friend or whānau member 
  • Learn a new language – apps like Duolingo are a great place to start  
  • Meditate/mindfulness practice 
  • Get crafty – pretend you’re a kid again and bring some things in from outside and make something beautiful with them 
  • Read a book 
  • Recite a karakia 
  • Take a bath/shower 
  • Try out a jigsaw puzzle 
  • Test out a new recipe 
  • Learn a new Māori phrase a day 
  • Learn a new TikTok dance to impress your friends and whānau 
  • Turn your phone off for a set amount of time every day 
  • Make a new playlist to listen to – or contribute to our Mental Health Awareness Week playlist on Spotify
  • Fix something you’ve been meaning to get to for a while
  • Hit some golf balls 
  • Spend five minutes decluttering one small area of your space