What causes ADHD?
Even though a lot of research into ADHD has gone on around the world, the exact cause is still unknown. What is known is that ADHD is not caused by poor parenting, too much sugar or vaccines.
Studies of brain scans show that children with ADHD seem to have brain circuits that are wired a little differently from other people's, so messages are harder to understand.
Studies of brain scans show that children with ADHD seem to have brain circuits that are wired a little differently from other people's, so messages are harder to understand.
There is thought to be a genetic element to most ADHD, that is, it runs in families.
Studies have shown that brothers or sisters of children with ADHD have two to three times the risk of having it as well.
Studies have shown that brothers or sisters of children with ADHD have two to three times the risk of having it as well.